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The Safe Environment Policy for the Protection of Children of the Diocese of San Bernardino requires all clergy, employees, and volunteers to immediately report suspected child abuse to County Child Protective Services or law-enforcement.


The California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Law requires various categories of employees, known as mandated reporters, such as teachers, catechetical leaders, youth ministers, and clergy to immediately report suspected child abuse to County Child Protective Services or law-enforcement.

Click Here to access the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Law (pages 3 and 4) for a complete list of those considered mandated reporters.

To report the suspected abuse of a minor in the home, immediately report to County Children Protective Services where the child lives.

San Bernardino County

1 (800) 827-8724  

Riverside County

1 (800) 442-4918

You can also contact local law enforcement authorities to report the suspected abuse of a minor where the abuse occurred.

 Also, contact the Victim Assistance Coordinator at (229) 299-7339 

if the suspected abuse was perpetrated by a member of the clergy, an employee or volunteer.




Physical Abuse: Unlawful corporal punishment or injury, willfully inflicted, resulting in a traumatic condition.

  1. Emotional Abuse: Acts or omissions that have or could cause serious behavioral, cognitive, emotional, or mental disorders.

  2. Sexual Abuse: Includes sexual assault and sexual exploitation:                     a.  Sexual assault includes sex acts with children, intentional                           masturbation in the presence of children and child molestation.            b.  Sexual exploitation which includes preparing, selling or distributing            pornographic materials involving children, performances involving            obscene sexual conduct, and child prostitution.

  3. General Neglect: Failure of a caregiver to provide basic needs  where no physical injury to child has occurred.

  4. Severe Neglect: Situations where the caregiver willfully causes or permits the child to be placed in a situation such that his or her person or health is endangered.


Note: Suspected child abuse must be reported immediately.

  1. Complete the Suspected Child Abuse Report. Click Here to access the reporting form.

  2. Fill the form with as much information as possible.

  3. Contact a law enforcement agency or County Children Protective Services to make the report. 

  4. Ask for the intake person's name, I.D. or badge number, agency, address, and where and how to send the report.

  5. Send the report to the agency you made the report to, within 36 hours after making the report..

Contact the Office of Child and Youth Protection for assistance at         909) 475-5127 or (909) 475-5129.

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